economic liberalism
- 经济自由主义

Theory of Economic Liberalism : a Dilemma and its Development
Review on the Three Waves of Economic Liberalism of China in the 20th Century
On the Economic Liberalism in view of economic philosophy
A Brief Analysis about Adam Smith 's Economic Liberalism
The theory of economic liberalism lies in competitive theory , whose development also reflects the process of legislation and practice of the theory .
And with the rise of China state control , not economic liberalism , is being hailed as a model for emerging markets .
" Seeking differences " reflects itself in the inconsistency between the country interventionism and economic liberalism .
Sima Qian s economic liberalism is based on the keystone of nationalistic ideal of best administration .
Economic liberalism has played a dominant role in the development of economic theory and influence people 's economic policy making and activities as it came into being .
But for financial markets economic liberalism , at least in the form we have known it , has proved fatally flawed .
Economic liberalism and utilitarinism have become a theoretic footstone of precent day capitalist economy and politics .
There has long existed divergence between two major schools in Western economics , that is , controversy between Keynesianism and economic liberalism .
The traumatic event was of course the financial crisis that broke out in 2007-08 and administered a fatal blow to economic liberalism .
Now the idea that economic liberalism might be matched by greater political openness has come to be called the " Guangdongmodel " .
In 20th century , science and technology developed at high speed and global economy grew quickly and the thought of economic liberalism and the ideal kingdom of market economy received great challenge .
The standardized contract mode is a product of economic liberalism , individual liberalism and positivism that have been popular from the 18th century to the 19th century .
In 1990s , Washington Consensus-based New Economic Liberalism was widely adopted by Brazil government in its policies , which contributed to national economic stabilization and recovery in some degree .
The main achievements of Freiburg school is that it revived of economic liberalism in Europe after the Second World War , and this is a completely new look in the international community .
The arguments of economic liberalism and state interventionism largely dominated the rise and fall of different schools of economics . The evolution of regulation theory is carried out in this context .
This is a good time to ask what is left of an outlook known to its enemies as neoliberalism and by at least some of its friends as just economic liberalism .
As one of the pillars of WTO system , the principle of national treatment emphasizes the equality of legal status of both foreign and domestic subjects , which declares publicly the spirit of economic liberalism .
The increase in the number of trade and investment instruments has been a principle feature of globalization fuelled by theories of economic liberalism . The trend makes the developing countries dependant on the trade and investment for economic progress .
Rationale of " invisible hand " created by Adam Smith shaped a theoretical core of the theory of economic liberalism in the theological stage , but this rationale is only a hypothesis inferred from natural law .
In her early years in politics , economic liberalism was in retreat , the Soviet Union was extending its empire , and Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek were dismissed as academic eccentrics .
During the period of free-competition capitalism , the power control theory and the theory of public power , which were influenced much by those doctrines of the economic liberalism , were both determined by the social and historical conditions of that time .
Public finance theory is the economic liberalism , whose policy advocates is the essence of laissez-faire , and this claim is purely from the perspective of fiscal revenue and expenditure balance concluded , so public finance is a negative and backward mode of finance .
By analyzing the mutual defect in logic of economic liberalism and interventionism , as well as the characteristics of public goods , this paper points out that government is the institutional arrangement to provide public goods which originates from the " common needs " of the society members .
Taiwan financial holding companies are established based on the background of economic and financial liberalism .
YanFu , s economic ideas of liberalism were completely different from Chinese traditional system of enfeoffment .
Since 80 's in 20 centuries , turning along with the economic market , economic liberalism and economic information , Economic globalization appeared .